Lucky Shoe Ranch
Traveling Team
What is the traveling team?
The traveling team is a group of LSRC members who enjoy competing in gymkhanas/rodeos. We travel to most of the local gymkhanas and barrel races to compete. We also travel to gymkhanas, rodeos, and barrel races outside of the valley to compete. The students who are apart of the team want to take their riding to the next level and be as competitive as possible in rodeo. They work hard, put in the extra hours and enjoy the results of their hard work as we travel.
How do I join?
To join the traveling team, talk with Courtney about reserving a spot on the team. If you are using a LSRC horse you will have to buy a traveling team membership card. The cards are $100. The card fees help with the expense of hauling, shoeing, and purchasing the quality feed a competition horse needs. If you have your own horse, you do not have to buy a card. If you have your own horse and trailer, please let Courtney know you would like to join.
What do I do once I am on the team?
When signing up for lessons you will sign up for the traveling team lesson, which is 1-2 times a week. You will be assigned a horse for the season, there will be no sharing of that horse when we go to competitions. You will get the horse to your self (with the exception of the Tuesday night LSRC gymkhanas). We will travel to gymkhanas locally during the week and we will go once a month out side of the valley to a gymkhana, rodeo or barrel race.
Points system
This season we are going to have a point system within the traveling team. All the members will be competing throughout the year between each other.
For example: Rylee attends the gymkhana on Tuesday and wins 1st place, so she gets 10 points. Then on Thursday she wins 2nd place and gets 8 points. Throughout the season she keeps tracks of her points. At the end of the season she finishes with 18 points. She now wins the overall prize because she had the most points.
There will designated rodeos that the traveling team can go to earn points towards the traveling team. (The rodeos will be posted in march).
What are the requirements?
*All members will need to get a sponsorship of $150 or sell $150 in coffee (our fundraiser for the year). The $150 will go towards the awards for the traveling team.
If you do not sell or get a sponsorship you will not be eligible for the awards at the end of the year. Even if you have the most points. All of the money will go towards, buckles, saddle blankets, breast collars and more for the members.
* Attend a traveling team practice once a week or do an individual lesson with a traveling team coach, Courtney, Trudy or Jill.
What If I own my own horse?
If you own your own horse you do not have to do a traveling team lesson or individual lessons, but you can if you would like. The traveling team is a rodeo association, which means you need to purchase your $150 membership and can attend as many rodeos as you would like, to try to win the overall points/prizes for the season. You can find the full schedule below with rodeos you can earn points at for this association.
What are the costs?
1 time purchase Membership Card for a LSRC horse: $100
Traveling Team Practice 1-2 times a week:
LSR Horse Rental a practice: $40
Your Own Horse Donation each practice: $25
Split fuel costs to competitions: $5-$15
For overnight trips:
Stall rent $10-$20
Hay $10-$20
Entry Fees: $5-$20 an event
Traveling Team 2024 Schedule
To be determined.